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Registers an event handler for a specified event. You can bind a function to one of several built-in events. The handler may cancel some events by returning true.

Called whenever a key is pressed or released.

  • key (number): The virtual key code (refer to Microsoft's virtual-key codes).
  • action (number): The action code, where:
    0 = Released
    1 = Pressed
    Note: Returning true cancels further processing of the key event.

Triggered when a mouse button is pressed or released.

  • button (number): The mouse button identifier, where:
    1 = Left Click
    2 = Right Click
    3 = Middle Click
    4 = Mouse Scroll
  • action (number): The action code, where:
    0 = released
    1 = Pressed
    Note: Returning true cancels further processing of the mouse event.

Triggered each time the client receives a network packet.

  • packet (any): The packet object.
  • id (number): The identifier for the packet.
    Note: Returning true cancels further processing of the packet.

Called on every game tick (approximately every 0.05 seconds) when the client is in a world/server.
Parameters: None.

Use this event to render ImGui, DirectX and FlarialGUI. Parameters: None.

Use this event to render Minecraft things like Tesselator. Parameters: None.

Triggered every time a chat message is sent in chat. Parameters: None.

  • message (string): The message.
  • name (string): The name of the sender for the message.
  • type (number): The type of the message.
  • xuid (string): The xuid of the sender for the message.
    Note: Returning true cancels the chat message from sending.
onEvent(eventName, handler)