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Flarial Scripting is pretty flexible with how you can do it. However, here are some recommended settings for you to use.


You can use Visual Studio Code, which is most recommended, but you can also use other IDEs you are more comfortable with such as Lite XL, or Sublime Text.


We are currently working on a Visual Studio Code script that you can use that allows for better auto-complete for faster creation of scripts.

Beginnings of Script

When you go to the script folder, you will want to make a new folder, preferably with the name of your script just for better organization. Then you will want to have two files:

  • main.json
  • main.lua

In your main.json you want to have:

    "name": "Flarial Scripting Test Module",
    "description": "Flarial Scripting Test Module Description",
    "main_class": "main.lua", // the base of your script
    "api_revision": 2 //api version 

In your main.lua:

function onEnable()
    Notify("Script Enabled")

function onDisable()
    Notify("Script Disabled")


Now when you open Flarial Client with this script, you should see a notification on enabling and disabling this module.